Health and Wellness
A strong mind requires a strong body, which is why I firmly believe in living a healthy, holistic lifestyle. The National College of Exercise Professionals (NCEP), offers classes for individuals are who interested in becoming personal trainers (or for individuals wanting to learn more about health and fitness) the well-rounded and holistic way unlike any other certification or fitness company. While most certification companies provide online exams, the NCEP believe that classes should be taught in person, as learning about fitness can only happen through visual stimulation and personal interaction. The only effective way, we believe, to learn about how the body functionally works is to practice using your own body through actual movements.
While the NCEP offers an array of advanced health and fitness courses (such as becoming a flexibility specialist or holistic health practitioner), our most popular course -- and the certification that will enable you to become a personal trainer at many local gyms or through private enterprise -- is our Standard Certification course. As an NCEP Faculty Instructor, I teach this Standard Certification course, which is an introduction to the NCEP curriculum and provides a foundation for a career in the fitness industry.
I recently co-wrote the newest edition of the NCEP Standard Certification Manual, which can be purchased on or via the NCEP website. This manual covers the five components of fitness, as well as explains how to best teach about a holistic lifestyle.
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“To keep the body in good health is a duty, for otherwise we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom, and keep our mind strong and clear.”